New report about those who will revolutionise the energy market

The time for big energy utilities is over. Or at least, their time is counted as new players are moving into the energy market. So, who else than tradition corporations can become an energy service provider? What shape can those still very new entities take? The most recent report produced by POWER UP provides an overview of those “social energy market players”. It describes their mission, governance and composition.

Alleviating energy poverty: Cooperatives as interlayers

How can we strengthen consumer empowerment ? And who are these local energy market players with a socio-ecological agenda that could play an important role in it? In this article we take a particular look at one powerful player in the field: citizen cooperatives.

Webinar: Launch of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe pillar on energy poverty

This webinar will present the energy poverty pillar of the Covenant of Mayors in Europe and describe the support available for CoM signatories for diagnosing, planning and implementing and monitoring and reporting actions to tackle energy poverty. It will feature two examples from EU signatories to explore how energy poverty is addressed on the ground. Participants will be invited to discuss concrete challenges and possible solutions.

Co-designing energy services with/for vulnerable communities

Energy is a precious good that can’t be taken for granted by all of us. So how can we protect the most vulnerable and how can we shape a fair energy system? This session will focus on different ways to tackle energy poverty and to make sure energy services fit the needs of those who are often marginalized

International Energy Poverty Action Week

The International Energy Poverty Action Week will bring together academics, policymakers and practitioners in the field of energy poverty for a series of five seminars, discussions and workshops centred on finding actionable solutions to this global issue, as well as social media activity and offline actions.