New report on business models for poverty-alleviating and inclusive energy services
In this new report, the POWER UP experts have explored the strenghts and weaknesses of five different business models: Energy Communities, Energy Cooperatives, ESCo Model, One-Stop-Shops and Technology leasing.
New report about those who will revolutionise the energy market
The time for big energy utilities is over. Or at least, their time is counted as new players are moving into the energy market. So, who else than tradition corporations can become an energy service provider? What shape can those still very new entities take? The most recent report produced by POWER UP provides an overview of those “social energy market players”. It describes their mission, governance and composition.
Alleviating energy poverty: Cooperatives as interlayers
How can we strengthen consumer empowerment ? And who are these local energy market players with a socio-ecological agenda that could play an important role in it? In this article we take a particular look at one powerful player in the field: citizen cooperatives.
Gender Equality Could be a Step Towards Ending Energy Poverty

The 8th of March every year marks international women’s day. This year’s theme is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”. For many women all over the world, gender inequality is a daily experience. And when it comes to heating or cooling, cooking and lighting a home, research has shown that women are at greater risk of energy poverty than men because of unequal opportunities.
How six cities tap into the change potential of energy communities to tackle energy poverty
The six pilots will break new ground by bringing energy poor households and local stakeholders together around socially just energy services.