in Czech Republic: Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

In Czech Republic, POWER UP will implement a pilot scheme in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm.

The city is one of the 6 European pilots that act as “living labs”: each of them will implement novel business models around renewable energy or energy efficiency services together with households affected by energy poverty and with local stakeholders (municipalities, social organisations, energy utilities, citizen cooperatives etc.).

Inhabitants in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
National energy poverty rate in Czech Republic in 2015
0 %
Město Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
Město Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

The energy poverty issue

Although a definition of energy poverty and pilot studies on the issue exist in Czech Republic, energy poverty is still not officially measured. Currently there is a Czech pilot in the city of Litoměřice as part of the European project SCORE. It’s the testbed for a prosumer model that explicitely includes women and low-income households. In POWER UP, the Czech partner SEMMO will mostly work with energy poverty groups and also other socially vulnerable groups affected by the Covid pandemic such as young families and pensioners.

Renewable energy production and energy community

For almost 10 years SEMMO and its members have been implementing RES and EE projects. In the POWER UP pilot city of Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, a community solar PV project will be initiated that will benefit energy poor households. It is intended that the largest part of the energy produced (50% – 70%) will be sold and consumed in the local area whereas the unused surplus will be sold to the grid.

For the implementation of the pilots, SEMMO and its members will be supported by the Modernisation Fund administrated by the Czech Ministry of Environment as community energy projects have now become eligible.

Czech Partners

The city lies at the Eastern tip of Czech Republic, 17.000 inhabitants.


SEMMO is the Czech Association of Energy Managers of Towns and municipalities. Based in Prague, it gathers 13 cities and one region with strong interest in sustainable energy, energy efficiency and community projects. Most of its members have signed the Covenant of Mayors to which SEMMO is committed as a supporting organisation.


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Sister organisation​

Each pilot organisation has found a ‘sparring partner’ organisation in its region which expressed its intention to replicate the pilot scheme.

The Czech sister organisations to benefit from the project will be recruited amongst SEMMO members.


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Pilot News

Across Europe, energy poverty limits access to affordable and sustainable energy, disproportionately affecting vulnerable households. The POWER UP National Guides provide a practical roadmap for municipalities, cooperatives, and local organisations to develop inclusive, community-led renewable energy solutions.
Since the start of POWER UP co-designing activities, a selected group of people struggling with energy poverty were actively involved in collective decisions around renewable energy production. But awareness-raising and support should not be limited to a few. That is why, over the past months, the four pilots of POWER UP engaged a broader group of residents in activities whereby they learned how to have control over their energy consumption.
Never before has energy poverty been such a serious threat to so many European citizens as it is now. Since the current energy crisis started, national Parliaments and local governments all over the EU discuss what immediate measures can be taken to help people come through this winter without freezing and starving. The latest POWER UP report may guide decision-making.