Community-driven solutions – country by country
Across Europe, energy poverty limits access to affordable and sustainable energy, disproportionately affecting vulnerable households. The POWER UP National Guides provide a practical roadmap for municipalities, cooperatives, and local organisations to develop inclusive, community-led renewable energy solutions.
Practical guidance for tenants and landlords with PV appetite
The landlord sees it as a stranded asset as he is not benefitting from the electricity her-/himself. As for the tenant, he may have neither the money to pay for upfront costs nor the power to install new infrastructure on the building. Good information and advice may help getting safely through the jungle.
Power to the People: policy changes for inclusive energy communities
The latest POWER UP report presents key policy recommendations to support inclusive energy communities across different contexts, ensuring they benefit vulnerable households and contribute to a just energy transition.
Energy poverty is not a fatality! Renewables are one solution.

Since the start of POWER UP co-designing activities, a selected group of people struggling with energy poverty were actively involved in collective decisions around renewable energy production. But awareness-raising and support should not be limited to a few. That is why, over the past months, the four pilots of POWER UP engaged a broader group of residents in activities whereby they learned how to have control over their energy consumption.
Report on funding options for energy efficiency and energy community projects involving vulnerable people
This report outlines financial opportunities for renewable energy projects focused on reducing energy poverty. It is intended for municipalities and other entities looking to implement socially oriented initiatives. The report covers public grants, private financing, and crowdfunding, showing how these can benefit vulnerable populations.
The race against energy poverty, an Olympic challenge
As the Olympic fever is still on, we prepared a sporty teaser for you: We think power needs to go to those who have the least, to those who are the “armless archers” in the energy world.
Energy for the invisible citizen: take-ways from a workshop on energy poverty and energy justice
The POWER UP and Cooltorise teams had the pleasure to see many energy poverty advocates in Modena during the 2.5-hour workshop “Energy for the invisible citizen: in search for lasting renewable & fair solutions.” We discussed energy poverty and ways to fight it by working with those most affected.
Latest EU guidance on energy poverty recognising importance of POWER UP
The POWER UP approach to co-design those services with people in energy poverty must have impressed the EU Commission. In the latest guidance on energy poverty they mention our work in general, and our pilot city Eeklo in particular,
Eeklo’s social cooperative shares scheme recognised by European Social Innovation award
Eeklo is one of the 15 finalists of the European Social Innovation Competition who have been selected for their outstanding energy poverty program. This scheme, which has been developed and launched in the framework of the POWER UP project, will enable low-income households to become members of an energy cooperative.
Eeklo will make energy bills affordable again
As energy prices started to peak in 2022, the Belgian federal government handed out one-off heating premiums to reduce people’s sky-high energy bills. “However, such premiums are like a plaster on a wooden leg,” says Jan De Pauw of energy cooperative Ecopower. “People are only helped temporarily with such a check. Invest that premium in a local energy cooperative and you get a completely different story.”