As cost of living crisis mounts, latest report provides local data on energy poverty situation in 6 EU countries
Never before has energy poverty been such a serious threat to so many European citizens as it is now. Since the current energy crisis started, national Parliaments and local governments all over the EU discuss what immediate measures can be taken to help people come through this winter without freezing and starving. The latest POWER UP report may guide decision-making.
Alleviating energy poverty: Cooperatives as interlayers
How can we strengthen consumer empowerment ? And who are these local energy market players with a socio-ecological agenda that could play an important role in it? In this article we take a particular look at one powerful player in the field: citizen cooperatives.
Co-designing energy services with/for vulnerable communities
Energy is a precious good that can’t be taken for granted by all of us. So how can we protect the most vulnerable and how can we shape a fair energy system? This session will focus on different ways to tackle energy poverty and to make sure energy services fit the needs of those who are often marginalized