Flashback on an insightful conference about inclusive and empowering solutions

Last week, POWER UP coordinator Eduardo Blanco spoke at the EnergyMeasures Conference “Illuminating Perspectives: Panel Discussion on Tackling Energy Poverty” taking place in Brussels.

Sitting side by side with other energy poverty specialists, Eduardo shared the business model diversity explored and developed by the five pilots. He stressed the need for comprehensive, stem-level solutions: “Energy poverty is being tackled by municipalities through policy changes and business models; however, it is a stem problem and it requires stem solutions.” His vision for positive and clean energy districts exemplified a commitment to positive, impactful change at the community level.

⏯️ Watch the recording (we advise to activate subtitles for a better listening experience)

🖺Read the wrap-up of the discussions


  • Prof. Ute Dubois, Associate Professor at ISG International Business School, Paris. 
  • Dr Paola Velasco-Herrejón is a  Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the University of Oslo.
  • Dora Biondani, Senior Project Coordinator for the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub
  • Dr Eduardo Blanco is a project manager with Energy Cities, where he manages projects related to energy poverty and positive and clean energy districts.
  • Dr Dragomir Tzanev is Executive Director of Center for Energy Efficiency EnEffect and official representative of Municipal Energy Efficiency Network EcoEnergy – Bulgaria.

Moderator: Dr Breffní Lennon, University College Cork

The EnergyMeasures project is funded by the European Union. www.energymeasures.eu


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