The renewable energy production business case: How-to guidelines for local governments

Any local authority wanting to install solar energy on their own assets or wind turbines on municipal ground, needs to go through a series of (sometimes lenghthy) steps. In order to facilitate the process and learn from other, we share experiences from the five POWER UP pilots. Thanks to very practical insights this report can guide local administration employees, may they be technical, administrative or elected people.

This report covers the economic, technical and legal aspects related to the set-up of renewable energy installations by energy communities.

It is divided into two sections:

  • Part 1 (chapters 2 and 3) provides accessible information on the technical, economic and legal aspects of renewable energy projects for both beginners and more advanced local energy market players such as municipalities and energy communities: This section focuses on solar and wind projects, i.e. the technologies represented in the POWER UP pilot cities. The general guidelines are complemented by country-specific examples from the pilot countries.
  • Part 2 is for those who are interested in having a deeper look, you can find more details in the second part of the report (chapters 4-7) on the installations used in the pilot cities Valencia (Spain), Roznov (Czech Republic), Eeklo (Belgium), San Giuseppe Vesuviano and Palma Campania (UCSA in Italy) and Heerlen (The Netherlands).

This report is deliverable D4.1 of the POWER UP project.
