in Spain: Valencia

In Spain, POWER UP will implement a pilot scheme in Valencia. It’s the third-largest city in Spain after Madrid and Barcelona, located on the east coast of the Iberian Peninsula, 790.201 inhabitants.

Valencia is one of the 6 European pilots that act as “living labs”: each of them will implement novel business models around renewable energy or energy efficiency services together with households affected by energy poverty and with local stakeholders (municipalities, social organisations, energy utilities, citizen cooperatives etc.).

Inhabitants in Valencia
National energy poverty rate in Spain in 2020
0 %
Valencia panorámica copyright visitvalencia
Valencia jardín turia copyright visitvalencia

The energy poverty issue

Energy poverty in the city of Valencia was measured in 2016 with an energy poverty mapping study supported by the Polytechnical University of Valencia. Since then, Valencia has made big efforts to defend the Right to Energy and mitigate energy poverty, e.g. by creating a one-stop-shop for vulnerable households coordinated by the local energy agency.

Renewable energy production and energy community

Valencia implements several projects to speed up the deployment of local PV energy communities in the city. The Council has already reviewed all the local administrative and regulatory barriers of solar PV installations to remove them and to facilitate their deployment, together with a proposal of subsidy taxes to promote them.

Spanish Partners

LAS NAVES is a Foundation promoted by València City Council whose aim is to promote social and urban innovation putting people at the center of innovative action. It accompanies processes and initiatives that can provide innovative solutions to the real problems of citizenship and urban challenges, strengthening the social structures of the territory, through knowledge and technology, putting innovation at the service of citizenship, to contribute to governance and social cohesion.


The Foundation is driving and implementing the city’s climate change strategy in its different aspects. The Foundation is developing activities to tackle climate change, mitigation and adaptation to ensure climate justice and energy democracy for all the inhabitants of the city of Valencia.


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Sister organisation​

Each pilot organisation has found a ‘sparring partner’ organisation in its region which expressed its intention to replicate the pilot scheme.


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Pilot News

Across Europe, energy poverty limits access to affordable and sustainable energy, disproportionately affecting vulnerable households. The POWER UP National Guides provide a practical roadmap for municipalities, cooperatives, and local organisations to develop inclusive, community-led renewable energy solutions.
Since the start of POWER UP co-designing activities, a selected group of people struggling with energy poverty were actively involved in collective decisions around renewable energy production. But awareness-raising and support should not be limited to a few. That is why, over the past months, the four pilots of POWER UP engaged a broader group of residents in activities whereby they learned how to have control over their energy consumption.
What better place than sun-filled Valencia to talk about social renewable projects! What better group of people, than the hundreds of city-makers that gathered in Valencia for the conference to talk about the POWER UP pilots?
Renewable community projects can come with quite some challenges. During this co-development session, participants will be confronted with three pioneering initiatives. Put yourself in the shoes of those cities and remove stumbling blocks around PV or community heat through collective brainstorming. Is this something you can apply in your own town?​ Join this session at Energy Cities' Annual Conference during the Valencia Climate Week on 26 June 2024.
Valencia is Green Capital in 2024, a title which recognises the longstanding pioneer in sustainability. The city council does aim for a transformation that meets environmental criteria as much as social ones. Its outstanding support to energy communities and the special focus on the weakest residents, suffering from energy poverty, ill-health or other social disadvantageous, make Valencia a "fair transition" living lab. The experiences gathered in the city, both in winter and in summer, are shared with other local authorities within the Sun4 All Community of Practice.
Arturo Zea from the POWER UP pilot Valencia Climate and Energy Foundation, describes why the topic of community energy is a priority for Valencia. He also takes us back to how everything started with the first energy community in Valencia, in Castellar L’Oliveral. It is the very first energy community where the city makes it possible for energy poor people to be directly involved.