for cities

Do you need some practical guidance on new ways to support people in energy poverty?

This is the place where you can find the key publications that serve as useful tools for city administrations wanting to create energy market players with a social impact.

📥• 6 national guides for a step-by-step approach to set up social energy market players tackling energy poverty (February 2025): The aim of the National Guides is to support interested stakeholders (such as cities, municipalities, citizens and citizen energy communities, and municipal companies) to develop a social energy model by following the activities developed as part of the POWER UP project. They were produced by Ami Crowther and Saska Petrova from the University of Manchester.

📥• Guidelines on RES production business case: how to do, what to take into account (December 2023)

📥• Guidelines on engagement with vulnerable households (September 2022): a practical guide and toolkit for practitioners looking to engage not only vulnerable households in social energy projects, but other partners and stakeholders as well.

Watch out for this to come:• Brochure on setting up social energy market players.

👉 Browse our Library for more resources on tackling energy poverty through economic service models

Social Energy Market Players offer energy services designed in a way as to provide long-term and permanent solutions to local energy market failures, such as energy poverty and/or low investments in renewable energy. This means their mission goes beyond one-off or temporary energy poverty mitigation measures. Social Energy Market Players can take various forms, including fully or partially owned municipal energy providers, citizen-led energy cooperatives and targeted mitigation mechanisms.