This is the place where you can find the key publications that serve as useful tools for city administrations wanting to create energy market players with a social impact.
📥• 6 national guides for a step-by-step approach to set up social energy market players tackling energy poverty (February 2025): The aim of the National Guides is to support interested stakeholders (such as cities, municipalities, citizens and citizen energy communities, and municipal companies) to develop a social energy model by following the activities developed as part of the POWER UP project. They were produced by Ami Crowther and Saska Petrova from the University of Manchester.
📥• Guidelines on RES production business case: how to do, what to take into account (December 2023)
📥• Guidelines on engagement with vulnerable households (September 2022): a practical guide and toolkit for practitioners looking to engage not only vulnerable households in social energy projects, but other partners and stakeholders as well.
Watch out for this to come:• Brochure on setting up social energy market players.